ISO 22000:2018 – 5.2.2 - Communicating the food safety policy


Welcome to this page. I hope, as always, that the information presented here is of interest to you.


Despite the great diffusion that has been made worldwide of management system based on standards, it is common for people involved with this type of system, such as those responsible for part of the organizations, members of top management, as well as internal auditors, and for other organizations, as external auditors and evaluators of certification or accreditation bodies, even though they have participated in training programs, do not know nor comprehend all requirements of these standards. That is why we have given ourselves the task of individually identifying each of the requirements that derive from the different clauses, sub-clauses and sections of these standards.


In the previous entries we dealt with requirements corresponding to Section 5.2.1-Establishing the food safety policy, and we did it in two parts, due to the importance and complexity of the requirements derived from said section. In this entry, as Part 3 of Sub-clause 5.2 – Policy, we will deal with requirements that derive from Section 5.2.2 – Communicating of the food safety policy.


As I have explained to you in a previous entry, the food safety policy is the most important element of a food safety management system (FSMS), because all the processes and activities carried out by the organization within that FSMS will be to meet the aforementioned food safety policy. That is why in this group of requirements derived from Section 5.2.2 of the standard, all of them refer to this food safety policy, specifying how, and to whom, this element of the food safety management system should be communicated.


In this Section 5.2.2, the ISO 22000:2018 standard establishes the following requirements, and I present them to you with the corresponding progressive numbering, as I have been presenting, individually, all requirements of this standard that have been analyzed:



If we consider this list, our next requirement to analyze is the following:



Requirement No. 80: The food safety policy shall be available as documented information.


What this requirement indicates is that when top management establishes the food safety policy, it should do so as documented information, that is, in addition to containing all the elements required by Section 5.2.1 - Establishing the food safety policy, it should have all the identification elements that the organization itself has established in accordance with Subclause 7.5 Documented information, mainly with Section 7.5.2 - Creation and updating, such as those related to identification and description, format and support medium, as well as the review and approval with respect to suitability and adequacy, as well as, as it is a controlled document, it must comply with the provisions of Section 7.5.3 – Control of documented information.



Requirement No. 81: The food safety policy shall be maintained as documented information.


In accordance with this requirement, top management should ensure that when it takes all the actions necessary to maintain the food safety policy and determines that it continues to be appropriate for the purpose and context of the organization, it complies with all the required elements, regardless of adjustments or modifications that may have suffered, this maintained food safety policy should also be maintained as documented information, also complying with sections 7.5.2 and 7.5.3.


Interestingly, the Technical Specification TS 9002:2016 - Quality management systems — Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001:2015, in relation to this Section 5.2.2 Communicating the food safety policy, mentions that in order to maintain the food safety policy, the organization should review it periodically to determine if it is still appropriate to the purpose of the organization. This recommendation is misplaced, since if you remember, in the first paragraph of Section 5.2.1 – Establishing the food safety policy, there is a requirement for top management shall maintain the food safety policy.  


As I have previously mentioned, we should be very careful when reading and analyzing these requirements to avoid confusion, mistakes or misinterpretation, which will inevitably lead us to non-compliance with the standard. What this particular requirement refers to is not that the food safety policy is maintained, which was already established in the requirement mentioned previously, but that when the organization maintain such food safety policy, it should also maintain it as documented information.



Requirement No. 82: The food safety policy shall be communicated at all levels within the organization.


The intent of this requirement, according to TS 9002:2016, with its corresponding adjustment to ISO 22000, is to ensure that the food safety policy is communicated to all persons in the organization, at all levels, so they are able to contribute to the effectiveness of the food safety management system. This food safety policy can be communicated by different methods such as via noticeboards, screensavers, the organization's website, or during routine meetings. Sufficient evidence should be generated so that the organization is able to demonstrate that the food safety policy has been communicated throughout the organization.


It is important that for communication of the food safety policy, what the organization has established in accordance with Sub-clause 7.4 - Communication of the ISO 22000:2018 Standard is complied with.



Requirement No. 83: The food safety policy shall be understood at all levels within the organization.


The intention of this requirement is to ensure that all people in the organization understand the food safety policy, so that they are able to contribute to the effectiveness of the FSMS.


The organization needs to ensure that the food safety policy is clearly understood throughout the organization. This can be achieved by taking into account the requirements of Sub-clauses 7.3 - Awareness and 7.4 - Communication of ISO 22000:2018, of all people of all different levels of the organization.


The organization can use different mechanisms to achieve the understanding of the food safety policy by people, such as informative meetings, workshops, seminars, evaluations, among others, generating sufficient evidence that this policy has been understood by all organization staff.



Requirement No. 84: The food safety policy shall be applied at all levels within the organization.


Top management should ensure that all elements of the food safety policy, both the intentions and direction, are being applied regularly by the entire organization.


It is important to remember that in order to fulfill the purpose of the organization, all processes and activities that are carried out in the operation of the food safety management system should be oriented to comply with the food safety policy, to achieve the food safety objectives.


For this, top management should ensure that the specified activities and controls are carried out and that the appropriate follow-up is given to all processes, to generate sufficient evidence that the food safety policy is being applied.



Requirement No. 85: The food safety policy shall be available to relevant interested parties, as appropriate.


The intent of this requirement is for the organization to ensure that the food safety policy is available to relevant interested parties.


The organization should make the food safety policy, as appropriate, available to relevant interested parties, such as external providers, partners, customers, and regulatory agencies.


This can be done on demand, or by publishing the food safety policy on a web page.


In the next entry we will continue with the analysis of requirements derived from Section 5.3 – Organization roles, responsibilities and authorities, of this ISO 22000:2018 Standard.


I will be grateful to the readers who upload their doubts or comments on this analysis in this blog.





Ernesto Palomares Hilton
