ISO 9001:2015 – 5.3 - Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities



Welcome back to this blog. I hope the approach used here to break down and analyze the different requirements of these management system standards will help to reinforce your understanding of the different requirements somewhat. I hope this information is of interest to you.


In previous entries we dealt with the requirements corresponding to Section 5.2.1-Establishing the quality policy, and we did so in three parts, due to the importance and complexity of the requirements derived from said section, as well as the requirements derived from Section 5.2.2 – Communicating the quality policy.


On this occasion we will focus on analyzing the requirements derived from the last sub-clause of those that make up Clause 5 - Leadership, and I am referring to Subclause 5.3 - Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities.


As I have explained to you in a previous entry, the quality policy is the most important element of a quality management system, because all the processes and activities carried out by the organization within that quality management system will be to comply with the aforementioned quality policy. That is why in this group of requirements derived from Section 5.2.2 of this standard, all refer to this quality policy, specifying how, and to whom, this element of the quality management system should be communicated.


In that Section 5.2.2, the ISO 9001:2015 Standard establishes a series of requirements, all directed to top management, since if you remember, we are still analyzing Clause 5 - Leadership, and all requirements that derive from this Sub-clause 5.3 refer to the exercise of leadership by top management to assign responsibilities and authorities at all levels of the organization. Below I present to you the list of these requirements derived from Sub-clause 5.3, and I present them with the corresponding progressive numbering, as we have been presenting, individually, all requirements of this ISO 9001 standard that have been analyzed:



In general, the Technical Specification TS 9002:2016 - Quality management systems — Guidelines for the application of the ISO 9001:2015 Standard, in relation to this Sub-clause 5.3 - Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities, mentions that the intent of this sub-clause is for top management to assign relevant roles related to quality management system, in order to ensure effectiveness and the achievement of intended results. Top management will need to establish specific responsibilities and authorities for those roles, and ensure that people in the organization understand and are aware of their assignments through effective communication activities.


It also indicates that responsibilities and authorities can be assigned to one or more people. They should be able to make decisions and effect changes in the area and/or processes to which they have been assigned. It is essential to emphasize that although authority may be delegated, overall responsibility and accountability for the quality management system remains with top management.


Mentions that in some organizations there may be a limited number of people available with the necessary competence to carry out the required tasks; it might be helpful to plan so that roles, responsibilities and authorities are shared. Such plans are valuable during vacations, when managers are not on site, or in cases of accident or illness.


Top management, in accordance with TS 9002: 2016, should determine the manner in which relevant roles, responsibilities and authorities are communicated. This could be done through the use of relevant documented information, eg job descriptions, work instructions, duty statements, organizational charts, manuals, procedures.


The responsibilities and authorities to be assigned by top management to the relevant roles within the quality management system are closely linked, but are not the same, and are therefore presented here as different elements of different requirements.


If there are several people who carry out the same role within the QMS, the responsibilities assigned to them should be practically the same, for the performance of their roles, but in the case of the assignment of authorities, the situation changes, since the top management should decide to whom of these people will assign the necessary authorities to make decisions and give orders to others.


In accordance with the list of requirements presented above, the next one to be analyzed, first of this sub-clause, is the following:



Requirement No. 116: Top management shall ensure that the responsibilities for relevant roles are assigned within the organization.


What this requirement points out is that top management should first identify which are all relevant roles to the quality management system.


As you may have noticed, this standard includes commonly used terms, but there are some of them that supposedly we all understand, but in fact each person understands those differently.


That is why it is convenient to use a dictionary to find the definitions of these types of terms that can cause confusion if we do not understand and use them in the same way.


For example, among the terms that can cause this type of confusion, we have the following: “role”.



In light of this definition, the organization should identify all activities that are performed by one or more persons, for a particular operation or process that are relevant to the quality management system. It is worth clarifying that, for this task, it is generally not convenient to include all the roles or roles that are carried out in the organization, but only those that are relevant to this system. Among the roles that most organizations can identify, that are relevant to the QMS, we could mention the following: top management, top management representative (if the organization have one designated), processes owners, processes operators, those who create documented information, those who update it, those who control documented information, those who generate records (documented information as evidence of conformity), those who maintain records (documented information maintained as evidence of conformity), inspectors, verifiers, internal auditors, those who initiate corrective actions, those who plan, carry out, verify and close corrective actions, among others.


Once we have identified what the term "role" means, in order to identify the pertinent roles of the QMS from there, it is convenient to consult other definitions, such as those presented below:



We can understand, then, that once top management has identified all these relevant roles, it should ensure that, through the deployment of its entire chain of responsibility and authority, each of these relevant roles for the QMS have been assigned their corresponding responsibilities, that is, that it has been indicated, for each of these roles, all the obligations that correspond to it for the fulfillment of the duty.


There is a situation that is worth raising so that it is well understood. Even though responsibilities should be assigned for all relevant roles within the QMS, top management cannot delegate these responsibilities, they can only share them, but this top management will always have primary responsibility and accountability for the quality management system.


When assigning responsibilities for the relevant roles within the quality management system, top management should take into account that those responsibilities should be clearly assigned to each role and should be sufficient for the person(s) to whom they are going to assign, be able to fulfill the entrusted role.



Requirement No. 117: Top management shall ensure that the responsibilities for relevant roles are communicated within the organization.


In accordance with this requirement, top management should ensure that, once responsibilities for relevant roles to the QMS are assigned, they are communicated throughout the organization.


To achieve this, it will be important for the organization to present these assigned responsibilities as documented information, either generally in a quality manual, on a web page, or as the organization has arranged to present and describe its quality management system, so that all personnel have access to this information, and it can also be done in a more specific and better described way in documentation of processes, procedures or work instructions.


This ensures that the personnel who carry out these types of roles for the QMS know what activities they are responsible for carrying out, and that all personnel know who carries out those relevant roles of the management system and what their corresponding responsibilities are.



Requirement No. 118: Top management shall ensure that the responsibilities for relevant roles are understood within the organization.


The intent of this requirement is to ensure that all personnel have a proper understanding of what those relevant roles are and what are those responsibilities associated with each of these roles.


Top management will need to establish specific responsibilities for those roles, and ensure that people in the organization understand and are aware of those assignments, in order to ensure the effectiveness of the QMS and the achievement of the intended results.


That is why top management should establish mechanisms to ensure that staff understands these responsibilities, such as informational meetings, workshops, seminars, evaluations, among others, and generate evidence of understanding of said responsibilities, at the level of understanding that it deems appropriate to estimate that they have been understood by all the staff of the organization.



Requirement No. 119: Top management shall ensure that the authorities for relevant roles are assigned within the organization.


To better understand this requirement, it is convenient to also present the definition of the term “authority”.



Once top management has identified all the relevant roles for the QMS, it should ensure that, through the deployment of its entire chain of responsibility and authority, each of these roles has been assigned its corresponding authorities, that is, that it has been pointed out, for each of these roles, all the official power to make decisions for other people or to tell them what they must do, in their delimited scope.


As we have seen, when an authority is assigned to a specific role, it is granted the right to give orders or make decisions, within what corresponds to said role. Contrary to what is indicated in requirement No. 116, concerning the case of responsibility, the authority is delegated.


When assigning authorities to the relevant roles within the quality management system, top management should take into account that these authorities should be clearly assigned to each role and should be sufficient for the person(s) to whom they are going to assign, be able to fulfill the entrusted authority. No more, no less.


Requirement No. 120: Top management shall ensure that the authorities for relevant roles are communicated within the organization.


In accordance with this requirement, top management should ensure that, once authorities are assigned for the relevant roles to the QMS, they are communicated to the entire organization.


To achieve this, it will be important for the organization to present these assigned authorities as documented information, either generally in a quality manual, on a web page, or as the organization has arranged to present and describe its quality management system, so that all personnel have access to this information, and it can also be done in a more specific and better described way in documentation of processes, procedures or work instructions.


With this, it is ensured that the personnel who carry out these types of roles for the QMS know what activities they are responsible for carrying out, and that all personnel know who carries out those relevant roles of the management system and who their corresponding authorities are.



Requirement No. 121: Top management shall ensure that the authorities for relevant roles are understood within the organization.


The intent of this requirement is to ensure that all personnel have a proper understanding of what those relevant roles are, what are those authorities associated with each of these roles,


Top management will need to establish specific authorities for those relevant roles, and ensure that people in the organization understand and are aware of those assignments, in order to ensure the effectiveness of the QMS and the achievement of the intended results.


That is why top management should establish mechanisms to ensure that staff understands these authorities, such as briefings, workshops, seminars, evaluations, among others, and generate evidence of understanding of said authorities, at the level of understanding that it deems appropriate to estimate that they have been understood by all the staff of the organization.



Requirement No. 122: Top management shall assign the responsibility for ensuring that the quality management system conforms to the requirement of this standard.


Top management should assign for one or more persons the responsibility that the quality management system conforms to requirements of this ISO 9001 standard, to ensure that the QMS considers all the specific roles necessary, such as internal auditors, or for management review, among others. The role to which this responsibility is assigned is what in previous versions of this standard was called "Management representative", which from my personal point of view, I believe that organizations should continue to consider this role, which is important to coordinate all efforts within the QMS. In the event that this responsibility is assigned to more than one person, it will be important to define their areas of action, so that there is no interference between them.



Requirement No. 123: Top management shall assign the authority for ensuring that the quality management system conforms to the requirement of this standard.


Top management should assign for one or more persons the authority for the quality management system to conform to requirements of this ISO 9001 standard, to ensure that the QMS considers all specific roles required, such as internal auditors, or for management review, among others. The role to which this authority is assigned is what in previous versions of this standard was called "Management representative", which from my personal point of view, I believe that organizations should continue to consider this role, which is important to coordinate all efforts within the QMS. In the event that this authority is assigned to more than one person, it will be important to define their areas of action, so that there is no interference between them.



Requirement No. 124: Top management shall assign the responsibility for ensuring that the processes are delivering their intended outputs.


In order to achieve continuity in the operation of the quality management system, it is important that each of the processes is operating and provides the intended outputs. That is why top management should assign the appropriate responsibilities to achieve this operation on a continuous basis.


In accordance with Technical Specification TS 9002: 2016, these responsibilities could be assigned to more than one person, each of whom would have different responsibilities, such as monitoring quality objectives, determining whether processes are achieving their intended outputs, or conduct internal audits.



Requirement No. 125: Top management shall assign the authority for ensuring that the processes are delivering their intended outputs.


As in the previous requirement, in order to achieve continuity in the operation of the quality management system, it is important that each of the processes is operating and provides the intended outputs. That is why top management should assign the appropriate authorities to achieve this operation on a continuous basis.


In accordance with Technical Specification TS 9002:2016, these authorities could be assigned to more than one person, each of whom would have different authorities, such as monitoring quality objectives, determining whether processes are achieving their intended outputs, or conduct internal audits.



Requirement No. 126: Top management shall assign the responsibility for reporting on the performance of the quality management system, in particular to top management.


If we remember that top management maintains the primary responsibility and accountability for the quality management system, it is essential that it is kept informed of the performance of this system.


In accordance with Technical Specification TS 9002:2016, this reporting is typically carried out as part of the management review process (see ISO 9001:2015 Sub-clause 9.3); One person might be assigned responsibility for coordinating reporting, with other people taking responsibility for reporting on specific quality management system processes.



Requirement No. 127: Top management shall assign the authority for reporting on the performance of the quality management system, in particular to top management.


Considering, as mentioned in the previous requirement, that top management maintains primary responsibility and accountability for the quality management system, it is essential that it be kept informed of the performance of this system.


In accordance with Technical Specification TS 9002:2016, this reporting is typically carried out as part of the management review process (see ISO 9001:2015 Sub-clause 9.3); Authority could be assigned to a person to coordinate reporting, with other persons with reporting authority on specific processes of the quality management system.



Requirement No. 128: Top management shall assign the responsibility for reporting on opportunities for improvement (see 10.1) , in particular to top management.


Top management should also be informed of the opportunities for improvement that exist with the quality management system, for a fundamental reason: so that the QMS remains in a cycle of continuous improvement, which in addition to being a specific requirement of the ISO 9001 standard (according to Section 4.4.1), is essential for the operation of the system.


This responsibility for reporting on opportunities for improvement, could be assigned to someone who has already been assigned some responsibility for the analysis of non-conformities, or for the planning, execution or verification of corrective actions or, if applicable, who receives and analyzes the internal audit reports.



Requirement No. 129: Top management shall assign the authority for reporting on opportunities for improvement (see 10.1) , in particular to top management.


As mentioned in relation to the previous requirement, top management should be informed of the opportunities for improvement that exist with the quality management system.


This authority for reporting on opportunities for improvement, could be assigned to someone who has already been assigned some authority for the analysis of non-conformities, or for the planning, execution or verification of corrective actions or, if applicable, who receives and analyzes the internal audit reports.



Requirement No. 130: Top management shall assign the responsibility for ensuring the promotion of customer focus throughout the organization.


As you probably remember, customer focus is one of the principles of quality management, so top management should ensure that customer focus is continuously promoted throughout the organization. That is why it should assign that responsibility.


In accordance with Technical Specification TS 9002:2016, this responsibility is assigned to promote customer focus (see Section 5.1.2 of ISO 9001:2015); This responsibility is typically assigned to the person responsible for communicating with customers and making sure all issues are resolved; This person is typically part of the customer service or quality function.



Requirement No. 131: Top management shall assign the authority for ensuring the promotion of customer focus throughout the organization.


As we saw with the previous requirement, customer focus is one of the principles of quality management, so top management should ensure that customer focus is continuously promoted throughout the organization. That is why it should assign that authority.


Likewise, in accordance with Technical Specification TS 9002:2016, this authority is assigned to promote customer focus (see Section 5.1.2 of ISO 9001:2015); This authority is typically assigned to the person who has authority for communicating with customers and making sure all issues are resolved; This person is typically part of the customer service or quality function.



Requirement No. 132: Top management shall assign the responsibility for ensuring that the integrity of the quality management system is maintained when changes to the quality management system are implemented.


In accordance with Paragraph 6.3 b) of ISO 9001, when the organization determines the need for changes to the quality management system, these changes should be carried out in a planned manner. The organization should consider the integrity of the quality management system. That is why top management should assign that responsibility to one or more people.


In accordance with Technical Specification TS 9002:2016, this responsibility is assigned to maintain the integrity of the quality management system when making changes such as the implementation of a new enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, the decision to hire externally the design and development process, growth due to new market opportunities, organizational restructuring, a merger or acquisition; this responsibility is typically assigned to the persons responsible for ensuring that the quality management system is maintained, and who have the ability to ensure that changes are not planned without regard to their potential impacts.



Requirement No. 133: Top management shall assign the authority for ensuring that the integrity of the quality management system is maintained when changes to the quality management system are implemented.


Similarly, in accordance with Paragraph 6.3 b) of ISO 9001, when the organization determines the need for changes in the quality management system, these changes should be carried out in a planned manner. The organization should consider the integrity of the quality management system. That is why top management should assign that authority to one or more people.


Pursuant to Technical Specification TS 9002:2016, this authority is assigned to maintain the integrity of the quality management system when making changes such as the implementation of a new enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, the decision to hire externally the design and development process, growth due to new market opportunities, organizational restructuring, a merger or acquisition; this authority is typically assigned to persons who have authority for ensuring that the quality management system is maintained, and who have the ability to ensure that changes are not planned without regard to their potential impacts.


In the next entry we will begin the analysis of requirements derived from Clause 6 - Planning, so we will be analyzing the requirements derived from Sub-clause 6.1 - Actions to address risks and opportunities, of this ISO 9001:2015 Standard.


Your doubts or comments that you want to upload to this blog about the analysis presented will be welcome.





Ernesto Palomares Hilton
