Master Auditor Program


 Quality Management and technology

Specialized training program


Master Auditor for quality management systems 

- This is a special training program for quality management auditors who have already been qualified and who want to increase their knowledge and improve their skills.
- This Master auditor program is made up of six Master Classes  covering the most important topics for an auditor in quality management discipline.  

- There will be a Master Class for each topic.

Each Master Class will be made up of a three-hour (3h) live session, via Zoom, in which the planned topic will be analyzed in depth and will be complemented with a additional and enriching information. In each Master Class the following elements will be covered, in order to promote comprehensive learning:

- After each Master Class, there will be a practical workshop, in which is expected that each participant solve a case depicting a specific situation, analyzing and using information presented in that class. It is estimated for participants to elaborate a solution proposal dedicating twelve to fourteen hours; therefore each of these Master Classes will have an estimated average duration of one week (16 training work hours).

If you participate in one Master Class, or in more than one, you will receive the corresponding Certificates of participation.

- But, if you participate in this Master auditor program, expecting to be awarded with a Diploma as a Master auditor for quality management systems, you should attend the six Master Classes, and you should participate in an active way in all workshops, solving the case presented in each of them, preparing and submitting your solution proposal in writing, no later than one week after each case has been filed.


- All this solution proposals for each workshop will be carefully analyzed, evaluated, qualified (pass or fail) and sent back to you with related comments aimed at strengthening your knowledge, and if it is possible, your skills. There will be no more examinations. If you show good results in all workshops, with an approving grade, you will be awarded with that Diploma as a Master Auditor for quality management systems.


- You may participate in a Master Class every month, at most, in order to complete the program in six months, as minimum, but there is no time limit to complete the program.

- Date of the next Master Class:

      - October 14, 2023.


Live session: From 9:00 to 12:00 h, Mexico City time (GMT -6). 


Schedule for Master Class Topic 1

Each Master class with a specific topic and its derived workshop will be held three times in a month, at different times so that you can choose the one that suits you best, according to the place where you are, and each topic will be repeated every two months in order to facilitate your participation. 

Special promotion: 

If you enroll in this Master Class with the first topic "Management of an Audit Program", during the month of October 2023, you will receive a special discount, for which you only will pay the amount of:


USD $50.00 for participant.


* This promotion applies only when enrolling in the first topic´s Master Class on this month of October of 2023. It could be any of the following dates:


Registration / Enrollment for a Master Class

If you wish to enroll in any Master Class, we would appreciate it if you click here and follow the instructions in the page.


The second Master Class, in this Quality management Master Auditor Programwith  Topic No. 2, will be the following:

The provisional schedule for this topic No. 2 is as follows:

We will have more information about this Master Auditor Program shortly.


We appreciate your interest and we are confident that you will receive excellent training. We offer you that it will be the best training auditor course you have ever participated in. 


We work with passion for you to learn.
